
What is a Juggalo?

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What is a Juggalo?

Here's what I think...

What is a juggalo is hard to sum up in words, but I will try. To me being a juggalo is not hating others. Having much love for anyone you meet. The only person you should hate is someone that broke that trust and love. Like someone who is a hater. Someone who hates people for thier skin color or what they wear or where they are from. We are all equal and no one should be excluded out. A juggalo will always have another juggalo's back. Even if they dont even know them. A juggalo is also someone who was outcasted sometime in their lives. Maybe it was not having friends in school or being made fun of for the way you look or dress or even for what they like. It also can be that you had abusive parents or you grew up poor in the ghetto. There are juggalos from all different life styles or different parts of the world, no matter where you come from or how rich or poor you are you can be a juggalo. All this is only part of what it is to be a juggalo. The part that can be described with words.

That is my opinion, but this site here. It has everything. and many different opinions. If you want to get the best idea of what a juggalo is as you can this is the site.


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